Are you looking to improve your health? Look no further! In this blog, we have effective tips to boost your body. From maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated to getting regular exercise and good sleep, we've got you covered. Explore the benefits of fruits, vegetables and nutrition, into your meals, and learn how to create a balance fitness routine. Small changes can make a big difference, so start implement these tips and enjoy a healthier and happier best lifestyle.

Essential Tips for Maintaining perfect Kidney Health

Essential Tips for Maintaining perfect Kidney Health

Essential Tips for Maintaining perfect Kidney Health

The kidneys, a pair of bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine, play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. 

Responsible for filtering and casting off waste merchandise from the blood, regulating blood pressure, and balancing electrolytes.

To ensure these essential organs function optimally, it's crucial to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. 

In this article, we will explore key tips for maintaining kidney fitness.

Stay Hydrated

Adequate water consumption is essential for kidney fitness. Water enables the kid neys flush out pollutants and waste products, stopping the formation of kidney stones and selling right filtration. 

Aim to drink at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water per day, but individual needs may vary based on factors like age, climate, and physical activity.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

A well-balanced and nutritious weight loss program is pivotal for kidney health. Focus on incorporating the following into your daily meals:

a. Low-Sodium Foods

Excessive sodium intake can contribute to high blood pressure, potentially harming. Choose sparkling fruits, vegetables, and complete grains over processed and packaged foods.

b. Adequate Protein

While protein is essential, excessive protein consumption can strain the kidneys. Choose lean sources such as poultry, fish, and plant-based proteins like beans and lentils.

c. Control Phosphorus and Potassium

People with kidney issues may need to monitor their intake of phosphorus and potassium. Foods rich in these minerals include dairy products, nuts, seeds, bananas, and oranges.

Monitor and control Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a leading cause of kidney damage. Regularly check and control your blood pressure through lifestyle modifications, such as reducing salt intake, maintaining a healthy weight, and incorporating regular exercise into your routine. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight or obese can contribute to the development of various kidney problems.

 Adopting a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity can help manage weight and reduce the risk of related issues.

Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity promotes overall health and can help prevent conditions such as obesity and hypertension, which are risk factors for kidney disease. 

Aim for at the least one hundred fifty mins of moderate-depth exercising in keeping with week. Limit Alcohol Consumption:

Excessive alcohol consumption can make contributions to excessive blood strain and liver disease, each of which could negatively effect health. If you pick out to drink, accomplish that in moderation.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is a chief chance thing for kidney sickness and may exacerbate current kid ney problems. Quitting smoking improves overall health and reduces the risk of more complications.

Manage Diabetes

If you have diabetes, it's crucial to manage blood sugar levels effectively. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to kidney damage over time. Follow your doctor provider's recommendations for monitoring and managing diabetes.

Regular Health Check-ups

Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help detect and address potential kidney issues early on. Monitoring blood pressure, kid ney function, and other relevant indicators can contribute to timely intervention.

Avoid Painkillers

In the pursuit of pain relief, it's crucial to be mindful of the potential impact on kidney health. 

Certain painkillers, when used excessively or over an extended period, can contribute to failure problem. 

To safeguard your renal well-being, consider opting for kid ney-friendly alternatives such as acetaminophen, which is generally considered very safer than nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or naproxen etc. 

Prioritize open communication with your doctor provider to explore best suitable pain options that align with your overall health targets and decrease the risk of dangerous complications.  

Maintaining optimal kidney health is a holistic endeavor that involves adopting a good lifestyle, staying hydrated, and being mindful of factors that can contribute to damage.  

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine and seeking regular medical guidance, you can safeguard the well-being of these vital organs and enjoy a better life. 


Achieving Optimal Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle

 "Achieving Optimal fitness: A Comprehensive Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle"


Healthy Lifestyle

In new modern era, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to unlocking your full potential. From nutrition and exercise to sleep and stress management, this article will delve into the crucial elements of a well-rounded approach to well-being.

 Discover actionable tips and insights to help you embark on a transformative journey towards optimal health and vitality.

Nutrition for energy

The foundation of a healthy lifestyle begins with the food you consume. Embrace a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods. 

Focus on incorporating fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and entire grains into your food. Superfoods such as kale, blueberries, and quinoa can provide an extra nutritional boost. 

Prioritize portion control, mindful eating, and stay hydrated to support your body's optimal function.

Exercise for Strength and Stamina 

Physical activity is a root of a healthful lifestyle. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, which can include activities like brisk walking, jogging, or engaging in your favorite sports.

 Additionally, integrate strength training exercises to build and maintain muscle mass.

 Regular exercise not only contributes to physical fitness but also has positive effects on mental well-being, promoting a strong and resilient body.

Quality Sleep for Renewed Energy

Sleep is a critical component of a good for you often overlooked in our busy lives. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body and mind to refresh.

 Establish a consistent sleep routine, create a comfortable sleep environment, and limit screen time before bedtime to optimize your sleep quality. 

Quality sleep is linked to improved cognitive function, emotional well-being, and overall vitality.

Stress Management Techniques 

Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental fitness.

Incorporate stress-management techniques into your daily routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga. 

Take breaks when needed and prioritize activities that bring you joy.

 By managing stress effectively, you can enhance your resilience and maintain a balanced and good way of life.

Hydration for Overall Well-being 

Proper hydration is fundamental to a healthy way of life. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to support bodily functions, maintain skin soundness, and boost overall energy levels.

Limit the consumption of sugary beverages and opt for water, herbal teas, and infused water for a refreshing and hydrating experience.

Cultivating Meaningful Relationships 

Social connections play a crucial role in mental well-being. Nurture meaningful relationships with family and friends, and engage in activities that foster a sense of belonging. 

Connecting with others not only provides emotional support but can also contribute to a longer and fit yourself.


Incorporating these key elements into your daily routine can pave the way for a vibrant and better lifestyle. 

Small, consistent changes can yield significant results over time. By prioritizing nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, hydration, and social connections, you're investing in your long-term fitness and well-being.

 Start your journey today and unlock the secrets to a wellness, happier you.


A Roadmap to a Healthy Life: 10 Essential Tips for fitness

A Roadmap to a Healthy Life: 10 Essential Tips for fitness

healthy life style
health and fitness

In current fast world world, retaining a healthy way of life is extra critical than ever. The demands of work, family, and social obligations often lead us to neglect our well-being. However, making an investment effort and time in adopting healthful habits can importantly enhance our best of life.

In this article, we will explore 10 essential tips for a wholesome life, covering various aspects of physical and mental well-being.

Balanced Nutrition

A cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle is maintaining a well-balanced diet. Ensure that your food include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, complete grains, and healthful fats. Limit processed meal, sugary snacks, and immoderate caffeine intake. 

Adequate nutrition provides the necessary fuel for your body to function optimally and boosts your immune system.

Stay Hydrated

 is water important for our our bodies to function correctly. Aim to drink as a minimum 7 glasses of water a day to live hydrated. Proper hydration aids digestion, supports skin health, and helps regulate body temperature. Carry a reusable water bottle with you to encourage consistent hydration throughout the day.

Regular Exercise

Physical hobby is a key element of fit life. Aim for at the least a hundred and fifty mins of exercises per week, which includes brisk walking, jogging, or cycling. Additionally, incorporate strength training exercises two or more times a week to enhance muscle strength and flexibility.

 Exercise not only promotes physical fitness but also contributes to mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety.

Sufficient Sleep

Quality sleep is critical for average fitness for human being. Aim for 7-nine hours of sleep in step with night time to permit your body and mind to relax Establish a consistent sleep routine, create a comfortable sleep environment, and avoid electronic devices before bedtime to improve the quality of your sleep.

Stress Management

Chronic pressure and stress can have damaging consequences on each bodily and intellectual fitness. Practice stress-decreasing strategies together with meditation, deep respiratory exercises, yoga, or mindfulness.

 Identify the reasserts of pressure for your existence and broaden wholesome coping mechanisms to manipulate them effectively.

Regular Health Check-ups

Preventive fitness care is crucial for early detection and control of capability fitness issues. Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider for screenings, vaccinations, and overall  assessments.

 Addressing wholesome concerns proactively can contribute to a longer and strengthen life.

Limit Alcohol and Tobacco

Excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco use are major contributors to various healthy and fitness problems, including heart disease, cancer, and respiratory issues.  If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation, and if you smoke, seek support to quit.

 Making these changes can significantly reduce your risk of developing serious wholesome conditions.

Foster Social Connections

Maintaining strong social connections is vital for mental and emotional well-being. Nurture relationships with friends and family, engage in social activities, and build a support network. Social interactions provide a sense of belonging and contribute to a positive outlook on life.

Practice Mindful Eating

Mindful eating includes taking note of what, when, and the way you eat. Avoid distractions like television or smartphones while eating, savor each bite, and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. 

Mindful eating promotes a healthful relationship with food and helps prevent overeating.

Cultivate a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset can significantly impact your overall wellness. Practice gratitude, focus on the present moment, and challenge negative thoughts. Surround your self with tremendous impacts and have interaction in sports that carry you joy. 

A positive outlook not only enhances mental well-being but also contributes to better physical health.


Adopting a good lifestyle is a journey that requires commitment and consistency. By incorporating those 10 important  hints into your day by day routine, you may pave the manner to a healthier, extra enjoyable life. Remember that small, sustainable changes can make a significant impact over time. 

Prioritize your well-being, listen to your body, and celebrate the positive steps you take toward a wholesome life.


What is a nutritionally balanced diet? Explanation of diet for maintaining health

The diet you take every day plays a  so veritably important  part in nourishing your body.

still, balance is important for that. However, or if you eat a lot at very formerly, your nutrition may be poisoned and you may damage your body.

 If you continue to eat only what you would like.   thus, in this composition, I will  explain what a great nutritionally healthy balanced diet is like. 


diet for maintaining health

1. What's a nutritionally balanced diet?   

The  nutritive conditions vary from person to person. It does not mean that you should eat the same  mess as other people. Then, I'll explain.  

 1- 1. why a nutritionally balanced diet is good

You can get nutrition from f00d, which plays a vital  part in  mortal life.  

For  illustration, it can be a source of body  structure, a source of energy to move the body, or a condition of the body.     

In other words, a good equal meal that plays these  places is a so- called balanced diet.   

 A well- balanced overeating is said to be useful for maintaining and  perfecting health,  precluding the onset and aggravation of  life- related  conditions. 

 When I  frequently hear stories  similar as" XX is good for your health and eating XX is the secret to life", some people eat it  intensely, but it isn't good for you. 

 The reason is that if you take a lot of specific nutrients, you'll have a bias  similar as  lower other nutrients.

Keep in mind the fact that nutrition is not just about overdose, it's about balance.  

 1- 2. How to find the stylish  nutritive balance for you  

The  quantum of energy  needed per day varies greatly from person to person.

Naturally, the content of the  mess to be eaten will also be different.    

 still, you may be overdose, so be careful, If you eat the same  quantum as the surroundings. also, how to find the most suitable balance salutary content for you?

 In that case, the" Guide Spinning Top" published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is useful.   

 still, age, height, If you apply your gender. to this, you can find out how  numerous calories you should consume in a day.   

By the way, the physical  exertion  position shows how  important you move in a day, and it's divided into three  situations" low"," normal", and" high".  

 Physical  exertion  position is" low" for those who sit  utmost of the day," normal" for those who are  substantially sitting but doing light exercise or walking, and have a lot of standing work or active exercise habits. 

However, it's"  precious", If you have one.   So, for  illustration, assuming a man between the  periods of 18 and 69 whose height and physical  exertion  position are above normal, the applicable calorie input per day is 2400 to 3000 kcal. 

First of all, it's wise to  suppose about the  diurnal menu grounded on this number.   

2. Bracket of nutrients contained in food 


The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries classifies meal nutrients and encourages them to have a well good diet by ingesting them unevenly.   

We will explain the unique contents of those  groups  thus that it'll be  very greatfull for those who are thinking about  healthful life.

nutritionally balanced diet

2- 1. Five major nutrients  

The five major nutrients are the nutrients contained in the meal itself, grouped according to their  conduct on the body, and  correspond of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. 

They're all  necessary  constituents for the  erecting a healthy  mortal body. For  illustration, carbohydrates are divided into the sugar and salutary fiber, of which sugar is an energy source for moving the body by generating about 4 kcal of energy per gram.     On the other hand. 

although salutary fiber doesn't emit energy, it plays an important  part in health by suppressing the  immersion of cholesterol and  conforming the intestinal  terrain.    

 In addition, lipids include triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol,etc., which, like carbohydrates,  give energy to move the body. The  quantum generated is  veritably large, about 9 kcal per 1g. 

 In addition, proteins are important accoutrements  that form body apkins  similar as muscles and internal organs.   

The protein is composed of about twenty kinds of amino acids, and if there's a  deficit of carbohydrates and lipids. 

it also plays a  part of being used as energy  rather of them.   The  quantum of energy generated is about four 4 kcal per 1g. 

Next is minerals, which don't come energy, but have an extremely important  part in forming the body  similar as bones and teeth. 

The last vitamin is also not an energy source, but it's essential for growth and health  conservation. It's divided into fat-answerable and water-answerable.   

The former is accumulated in the body and  also gradationally consumed, but the  ultimate is excreted together with urine indeed if it's ingested in large amounts.  

2- 2. Three- color food group

The three- color food group is a group of foods divided into three groups according to the types of nutrients contained and the differences in their functions.     

Each group is color- enciphered into red,  unheroic, and green. 

Red indicates the nutrients that make up the body,  unheroic indicates the source of energy, and green indicates the effect of  perfecting physical condition.     

First of all, the foods that are grouped in red are  substantially protein- containing foods, and typical bones

             are meat, fish, eggs, and milk. The coming yellow is rice,  chuck

            ,  polls,  oil painting,etc., which are  substantially composed of sugar and fat. 

The last thing in the green group is vegetables, fruits and mushrooms that are rich in minerals and vitamins.   

2- 3. 6  introductory food groups

 The six  introductory food groups are  nearly related to the three- color food group, and it can be said that the functions of nutrients are more subdivided.  

 For  illustration, the foods contained in red are divided into part 1 and 2. 

Group 1 is fish, meat, eggs, soybeans, soybean products,etc., and its main  part is to  make bones and muscles and to be an energy source.  

 On the other hand, the two parts are milk, dairy products, seaweed, small fish,etc., which can regulate each function of the body in addition to making bones and teeth.

   In addition, green it's divided into 3 groups and 4 groups, the former contains green and  unheroic vegetables, and the  ultimate contains light- colored vegetables and fruits.

   The main  part of the four groups is to regulate each function of the body. And in the case of 3 groups, the  part of  guarding the skin and mucous membranes is added to it.  

 The final yellow is divided into 5 and 6 groups. Cereals, potatoes, sugars,etc. are included in the 5 groups, and their main  part is to come an energy source and regulate each function of the body.   

On the other hand, the 6th group is a food with a lot of fat and fat  similar as salad  oil painting, margarine, mayonnaise and dressing, and like the 5th group, it plays a  part as an energy source and also a source of essential adipose acids.

 From all these food groups, it's recommended to take 30 or  further  particulars a day in a well-balanced manner.  

2- 4. what's the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" Food Guide Spinning Top"?  

The" Food Guide Spinning Top" is a picture of" staple food,"" side dish,"" main dish,"" milk and dairy products," and" fruit" in order to  easily show what to eat and how  important to eat in  diurnal  refections. 

It's expressed as. It isn't like the traditional bracket by  constituents, but by drawing a picture of the dish, anyone can  fluently know the  quantum of food that suits them.   

What is  further, by looking at the picture of the top, you can see at a  regard the combination and  quantum of dishes that you should eat in a day.  

In addition," water/ tea" is drawn as the axis of the top, and" confectionary/ luxury goods" is drawn as the string that turns the top, so that each  part can be intimately understood.     

In this way, by  pertaining to the picture of the top and eating the dishes of the five groups in a well-balanced manner, it's possible to eat a nutritionally balanced diet.   

By the way, in this Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top," tsu" is used as the unit of counting,  similar as one or two, but it's better to consider which dish in the five groups as how  important.   

This is to help you understand. For  illustration, for curry rice  conforming of 200g of rice, 60g of meat, and 140g of vegetables.

we  suppose that one plate contains three kinds of cooking groups,  similar as two staple meal, two main dishes, and two side dishes.   

It counts as. After that, if you add factors  similar as age and gender to the frame, you can see how  numerous  cuisine parts you should take in a day.


3. How to eat a nutritionally balanced diet 

I am wondering if the diet I eat every day is the right  nutritive balance for me. 

still, indeed so,  numerous people may not know how to confirm it.     

thus, then I'll explain how to eat a diet that's suitable for  individualities and has a good  nutritive balance, while introducing how to check what's lacking in one's diet and what's ingested too  important. 

nutritionally balanced diet

3- 1. Check what you're satisfied with and what you aren't satisfied with in your current diet  

To check what you're lacking in your  diurnal diet, first check how  important you should take each of the five  cuisine parts in the Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top, depending on your gender, age, and  quantum of  diurnal  exertion.   

For  illustration, an adult  joker with a normal  quantum of  exertion has 6 to 8  chief foods, 6 to 7 side dishes, 4 to 6 main dishes, 2 to 3 milk and dairy products, and 2 to 3 fruits. 

is. also, let's look back on how  numerous of our usual  refection will be in each  cuisine group.   

also, compare the standard input with the number of" tsu" in the current diet, and look back on whether there's any  redundant or  insufficiency in your diet so far.   

As mentioned  over, when using the Japanese meal Guide Spinning Top, keep in mind that the standard for the  quantum of meal is to use the word" tsu( SV =  serving)" and count in that unit. 

The Japanese meal Guide Spinning Top says that one carbohydrate is a small serving of rice and two proteins are grilled fish, so you can find out how to count them.  

 3- 2. Balance the menu once you understand the nutrients you have used so far  

still,  also classify them into three- color food groups and six  introductory meal groups, and what are the excess and  insufficiency f00ds and their nutrients for you. 

If you can see the  redundant and  insufficiency of food groups and their  quantities in the Japanese meal Guide Spinning Top. I'll figure out.     

For  illustration, if you have two staple meal and two side dishes and two main dishes aren't enough, you have too  important carbohydrate for one mug of udon, and one dish of stir- fried vegetables and vitamins and one dish of grilled fish protein. 

Is lacking.     After that, remove the overdose food from the menu,  elect the missing part from the three- color food group and the six  introductory food groups, and add it as a new menu.     

By  conforming the  quantum of each" tsu" in this way, it becomes possible to eat a diet that contains nutrients that were  preliminarily lacking. 

still, it's  delicate to keep eating  duly in  diurnal life, so there's an option to condense the nutrition that you tend to warrant by using supplements.     

3- 3. General nutritionally balanced dietary examples

For good health, it's important to eat three  refections a day  duly. 

In addition, it's said that the ideal Japanese style is called Ichiju Sansai, which consists of a staple food, a main dish, two side dishes, and  haze.   

Considering the  quantum of each of the three  refections in" Tsu" of the Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top, it's as follows. 

First of all, breakfast is best with1.5  chief foods, 1 side dish, 1 main dish, 1 milk, 1 dairy product, and 1 fruit, in order to secure  diurnal  exertion energy.   

On the other hand, lunch is about 2 staple foods, 2 side dishes, 2 main dishes, 2 milk/ dairy products and 1 fruit, considering  nutritive balance.   

And for  dinner, two staple foods, two side dishes, and two main dishes are  demanded to balance the day.   

still, it's a good idea to have a light  mess  similar as vegetable  haze or rice balls in the evening, and lighten the evening  mess consequently, If you eat late at night.   

Eat a diet that improves the  nutritive balance that tends to be poisoned.   

All the nutrients you get in your diet are essential to your body.     

thus, don't concentrate on specific nutrition, but try to consider the overall  nutritive balance.     

still, in reality, it's  delicate to lead a regular life every day, and it's easy for people to eat  desultorily or have a  prejudiced diet. 

In  similar cases, it's effective to condense nutrition with health foods and supplements. 

read more article.




Do you want to lose weight? Rather than embarking on a restrictive regime that will not pay off in the long run, why not simply review some basic principles? Discover 5 tips that will allow you to lose weight easily.

girl lossing weight easily


To lose weight easily it is essential to follow your biological rhythm . Indeed, just like sleep cycles, our bodysuit is regulated on a regular biological and metabolic cycles. By synchronizing the time of our meals with these cycles, and by correctly distributing our food intake throughout the day, weight loss will come naturally. This consideration of appetite and biological cycles is the basis of chrononutrition.


This tip seems stupid but it will really allow you to lose weight effortlessly. It is necessary to know that the feeling of satiety appears only after 10 to 20 minutes. So rather than gulping you, take the time to eat. Sit comfortably in front of your plate, and enjoy your meal slowly, chewing your food, and taking the time to savor your meal. Eating slowly will improve your digestion, eat less, and lose weight easily.


At the same caloric level, it is better to have several small meals during the day than two or three hearty meals. This helps maintain a stable level of amino acids and sugars in the blood, increase the speed of food assimilation and stimulate the pace of metabolism.


It is important not to overeat at night, especially foods that take a long time to be digested by the body (fat and protein) because does not promote falling asleep. It is also advisable to avoid eating too fatty foods (cheese, pastries,) at the end of the day, because much less active, your body will store excess fatty acids during the night. To avoid having a big hunger in the evening and throw on everything that happens, consider eating a fruit around 5 am and drink well all afternoon, this simple tip will allow you to eat less at dinner and thus avoid storing calories unnecessarily.


Hey, you did not think you could get away with that easily! You are on a sports coach blog here!

The idea is not necessarily to do 3 hours of sport a day, but simply to move a little more. Think of all the little things you can do easily every day to spend a little more calories: take the stairs instead of the elevator, go get your bread on foot rather than by car, etc ... it is by cumulating this kind of effort that you will easily eliminate your extra pounds.


A few minutes before your lunch break, take the time to drink a large glass of water . Known for its appetite suppressant role, the water will fill part of your stomach and limit your appetite. A simple trick and, after all, quite uncomfortable.
To know: for the more adventurous, you can also eat an apple before meals. The appetite suppressant effect will be even more noticeable.


He has the yogis that swarm on Instagram and flood us with their convoluted postures, the fitness girls who show off their stunning transformations and the brands that are all starting to launch their "sports" clothing line. The message is clear: you have to move. The good news? If you have definitely drawn a line on any sport, there are some simple ways to burn calories without doing crossfit or scorpion posture. We prefer the stairs to the elevators, we get off the metro two stops earlier, and we do a series of squats while watching TV, we multiply by 3 trips to the toilet...


It's mathematical: less quantity, fewer calories. While sometimes we eat without really knowing why, we finish our plate because we were taught not to waste; the technique of the small plate proves to be the new toad of many nutritionists. We do not change the content (unless it is raclette in July) but the container.


A square of dark chocolate (70% minimum) after the meal or at tea time is the best way to take a sweet break without mischief.


You have an aperitif between girlfriends and you feel guilty already at the idea of ​​drinking a few glasses of wine? We have the good vein. By alternating a sip of wine, a sip of water, you will reduce your consumption of wine during the evening (so calories) and you will have no headache due to dehydration. To test.


5 tips for raising healthy children

5 tips for raising healthy children

Raising children by giving them healthy eating habits is a challenge for parents. Discover 5 scrumptious guidelines for elevating a healthy child

5 tips for raising healthy children
kid eating healthy food

1. Offer a fruit as a snack

Children are often hungry when they come home from school. Rather than serving crispy and salty chips, offer a fruit.

This is an excellent strategy for growing kids because the fruits are not only rich, but also nutritious.

To minimize whining, let kids choose their favorite fruits at the grocery store.

2. Let them choose

Children like to control what they eat. Let them choose their food.

For entrance, let them choose green vegetables in the freezer to accompany lunch.

Even if they ch00se peas four nights in a row, this choice remains a good choice.

3. Quietly add some vegetables

A spaghetti sauce can hide a variety of vegetables to give your kids the nutrition they need without being bothered by their opposition.

Also try mixing fruit in a milkshake for dessert instead of using a whipped cream pie full of sugar.

4. Swap foods gradually

Most kids will not notice that you have traded white bread for whole bread as long as the sandwich filling stays the same.

After a few weeks, try replacing American cheese with low-fat cheese.

A few weeks later, exchange the ham for chicken or turkey with low fat and salt.

By the end of the year, your kids will eat a healthier lunch without even noticing a change.

5. Make your own desserts

If it's easy to buy a packet of cookies or a whole cake at the bakery, it's just as easy for a baby to eat more than he should at one time.

  • If your kid are asking for such foods, teach them how to make them at home.

  • Often, extra work is a deterrent against overeating. And you can also choose recipes and avoid unhealthy ingredients, such as high fructose corn syrup.

Forcing kid to eat green vegetables can be a difficult battle. But thanks to these clever tips, all parents can regain hope.


5 tips for staying healthy during pregnancy

5 tips for staying healthy during pregnancy

You know it, pregnant, you have to be doubly vigilant in order to avoid getting sick as much as possible.

One because some diseases are bad for baby (and for you) and two, because you can not necessarily takes the usual treatments because of the dangerousness to the fetus.

 For this reason, here are some things to know.
5 tips for staying healthy during pregnancy
 pregnant woman

Wash your hands

If you did not know it, maize is the main disease spreader. So, do not hesitate to wash your hands regularly during the day with warm water and soap.

 (especially before going to dinner, when you come back from outside or if you have been in contact with a sick person).

Plan to have in your purse a pack of disinfectant wipes just in case.

Eat healthy

Naturally avoid foods that could make you too sick. Do not skip essential foods during pregnancy.

Be careful to cook your food well. Cook and preserve your food by respecting all the rules of hygiene.

Boost your immune defenses

Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise a bit and avoid stress to the fullest! Fill up on vitamins, minerals and trace elements etc.

Avoid sick people

Note, Stay away from sick people. Avoid crowded locations as tons as possible.
Keep away from people who are coughing, sniffing  If your spouse or children are siick, do not drink in their glass, do not eat on their plate.

 Limit to the maximum contact with them (not always easy with children, I understand it!).

 More than ever, washing your hands often and avoid rubbing eyes, nose and mouth.

Stay away from your pet

If you are not immune to toxoplasmosis, make sure you do not change the litter of your cat, possibly make him a little routine visit to the veterinarian.

 If you have a cat "scratcher", stay a good distance during your pregnancy.

Read more articles below:
healthy tips for pregnancy




Nowadays, it is difficult to have skin without imperfections, without pimples and without scars. How to fight against all this? Here are some tips that can help you deal with these small issues.

charming skin face

1. Eat and drink properly

Our cute healthy skin is the mirror of our body. If you have a lot of impurities or pimples, one of the main reasons is due to your diet.

It is very important to avoid (or reduce) foods that may give you indigestion, such as dairy products, sweets, alcohol, pre-made foods, cold cuts, and more. The goal is not to ban these foods from your diet but not to eat them every day.

2. Remove make-up and clean your face

Cleansing your face is necessary to keep it healthful! Your face is becoming more and more sensitive nowadays due to the increase in pollution.

It should then clean it twice a day and especially cleanse before going to bed, this must breathe!

3. To transpire

Playing sports is effective for cleansing your body and emptying your pores of impurities. You may have noticed when you play sports or when you climb 4 floors of stairs, your skin is clear and your complexion pink.

Sweating activates micro-circulation and therefore nourishes its tissues.

4. Moisturize your skin

It is important to hydrate your skin, even if you are a man. It should put a moisturizer morning and / or evening and make a mask and / or scrub once a week.

5. Sleep enough, at least try

Nowadays, it is very difficult to be able to sleep a good night because of our activities, our work or even stress. However, to avoid wrinkles, dark circles and get a better complexion, it is essential to sleep well.

Nevertheless, there are people with little or no skin problem and can eat and do what they want. Do not worry, trying to have beautifulskin is also good for your body and your health!

Our suggestions

From time to time, clean your body by doing "detox" treatments.

Stay hydrated! Drinking water purifies your body.

If you have puffy eyes when you wake up, put an ice cube under your eyes for 5 minutes.

Use cardio exercises to sweat well.

During the summer, pay attention to the sun, apply a moisturizer and UV protection to avoid wrinkles and brown spots due to the sun.

Limit your sources of stress, play sports to let off steam.

You will understand, you must take care of your skkin to have less impurities but also get a better complexion. There are several types of skin and several types of its problems.

If you have difficulty reducing your blemishes or acne, we advise you to make an appointment with a specialist or beautician to have a good diagnosis.

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5 tips for good visual (eyes) health

5 tips for good visual (eyes) health

Despite the indisputable importance of good vision, most of us take it for granted. However, blindness and a deficient vision are conditions that we need to worry about.

Here is a list of 5 tips for maintaining good visual health

tips for eyes health
strong eyes

Regular follow-up with an ophthalmologist

Be aware of different eye conditions and have an eye exam regularly. Most serious problems affecting vision are caused by eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts, which are not a disease in their own right but are treated surgically. .

Macular degeneration: The hardening of the arteries of the eye reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients, which damages the center of the retina.

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve that transmits visual information from the eye to the brain.

Since the decrease in vision is not apparent until a large part of the optic nerve is damaged, half of the people with glaucoma do not know it until it is too late.

Diabetic retinopathy is a common complication of diabetes. In this disease, the blood vessels of the retina become blocked and become damaged.

About half of the diabetics will suffer at different degrees from this visual condition.

Cataract is opacity of the lens and one of the main causes of low vision. It is not a disease but its treatment is surgical.

Because early detection and treatment of these conditions can make the difference between seeing and not seeing well or not seeing, having a regular eye exam should be part of your routine.

An optometrist can detect problems before a significant change in vision is apparent.

Wear sunglasses to protect your eyesight

Everyone knows that you protect your skin with sunscreen but many people forget that their eyes need protection too. You do not even have to look at the sun directly to suffer the damage. Ultraviolet or UV rays can be reflected by snow, sand, asphalt or water.

These UV rays can increase your risk of developing cataracts or macular degeneration and can even cause a "sunburn" to the cornea, called photokeratitis. This condition can lead to temporary blindness.

Wear sunglasses when you are outside and make it a habit but do not think that all tinted glasses are of good quality and offer you good protection. It is imperative that the protection be 100%.

Avoid visual fatigue and eye injuries

We do not know yet the long-term effects of eyestrain we feel when we sit in front of his computer screen all day long. But the short-term effects are indisputable: eye pain, crying eyes, blurred or double vision and headaches.

To reduce visual fatigue while working on the computer, do not forget to:

  • Reduce glare by using a filter on your screen or by changing the angle of your screen relative to a lighting source.
  • Avoid sitting too close to your screen as it is more tiring to look at an object near and far.
  • Keep the ambient lighting so that it is not more than 10 times brighter than the screen; this problem of contrast is often caused by a dark screen in a very bright room and it is often forgotten that it can be a source of visual fatigue.
  • Rest often the muscles of your eyes by looking in the distance; Adopt the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, look 20 feet apart for 20 seconds.

Wear eye protection goggles

In addition to diseases, injuries to the eye are a major cause of blindness or visual impairment. 90% of injuries could be avoided if the wearing of protective glasses was passed in our mores.

Remember to wear safety glasses when:

  • You work with chemicals or household cleaners as most are corrosive and can damage the surface of your eyes permanently.
  •  In the carpentry shop or doing renovations to prevent dust and high velocity particles.
  • Using a lawnmower or trimmers because these machines can accidentally pick up rocks or other objects that could hit.
  • By working on your car, because acid batteries, candles and debris could damage.
  • Playing a sport, especially those who use high-velocity bullets, such as baseball, hockey, soccer, racquetball, etc

Exercise, eat well

Eating a lot of carrots will not really improve your vision but will bring you vitamins and minerals necessary for good vision. Adopt a balanced diet including vitamins A, E and C as well as zinc, copper, selenium and antioxidants

Exercise can also help by lowering blood pressure and lowering blood pressure in the eye, which could lead to retinal damage, especially if you have glaucoma or diabetes

Take good care of your eyes; it's important and easy to do. It depends on you: make an appointment for an eye exam regularly, wear sunglasses outdoors and safety goggles when necessary. By following these simple tips, you will ensure a good vision

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8 tips for healthy hair

8 tips for healthy hair

Do you dream of a strong hair without any effort? Not so fast, you risk burning the steps essential to the well-being of your hair. 

Before they are soft and silky, it's better to pamper your scalp. To treat it deeply, ignore aggressive products, extensions, and even your best dryer. Hop, we take action. 

Here we have 8 tips.

8 tips for healthy hair


Your fetish hair dryer goes back to your university years? Bad news: it damages your hair. In addition to being dusty, the hot air transmission system dries your mane with each use. Your hair is brittle and fragile.

 Attention: same diagram for your need straightener, curl, emboss .. 

Trash! Opt for a new dryer, which controls the temperature and adapts it according to your needs. 

Ditto for the straightener, if the plates are ceramic, it's better. The ideal is still drying naturally, of course.


Do not worry about strolling hours in the shampoo department without knowing which product to choose? Identify your needs (do not hesitate to ask your hairdresser) and look at the ingredients on the products.

 The must: a formula enriched in proteins with some moisturizing elements. And flee shampoos, detangles and all kinds of care with collagen.

 Not only will they grease your roots, but they may weigh down your dream mane. The key word: be attentive. After all, do you check the number of calories on a chocolate bar, right?


Post gym or editing before going to dance. we love it. Practical, it slips easily into our bag, and works wonders. Result: we use it all the time. Except that in the long run, dry shampoo can cause residues on the scalp.

 That says accumulation of "dandruff" says inflammation and itching. So to avoid the disaster, we remain faithful to our good old shampoo and dry shampoo is used only in case of emergency (or delay).


If you just lather your shampoo and rinse quickly, you're all wrong. Whatever the frequency of your shampoos, nothing like a good massage of the scalp to eliminate in depth any trace of seborrhea that would have dared to sneak. 

Seborrhea is the medical name used for dandruff, which frequently results in redness, itching ... and even worse: hair loss. Take 5 more minutes in the shower, and your scalp will say thank you, it is promised.


You regret your last hair craze and you dream to find your mane before? It is true that the extensions are a good boost .. Provided you opt for the healthy method, without risk of weakening your hair. Exit clip extensions. Certainly it's very easy to use, but the clips pull on your roots. 

Result: It is weakened and becomes brittle with time. The least aggressive technique is still the cold extensions based on vegetable glue. Want to change without going through the extension box? Patience and dietary supplements will be your best allies.


At the shower jump, nothing is easier than to catch a towel in a slow motion and to dry his mane while rubbing. One advice, give up this habit as quickly as you adopted it. Not only the friction of the cuticle can be at the origin of the advanced dryness of the points, but in addition, the hair is weakened thus subjects to the breakage. 

And all the benefits of your super repair mask will be reduced to rubbing. The good gesture? Tap gently with roots and tips. Certainly, your mane will take a little longer to dry, but it will be worthy of a Hollywood star (yes, yes).


The gesture stimulates the circulation of the scalp and rids your mane of small forked hair likely to break. Except that it is useless to unravel his brutally, even if you are late.

 Opt for a wide-toothed comb if you cannot wait for your mane to dry, otherwise prefer a flat brush with natural hair (boar for example).

 To note: to disentangle once they are dry (starting with the root of course) will avoid any risk of breakage.

If legend has it that we spend 100 brushstrokes before going to bed, the reality is quite different. One shot is enough, once or twice a day.


We will never repeat it enough. If your hair is electric and brittle when you wake up, your cotton pillowcases are inevitably the only culprits. In question: the locks cling to the cousin at the slightest movement. 

The new habit to adopt illico? Silk pillowcases. 

In this way, your it will be able to follow you to the end of your dreams without any problem. 

And as soon as you wake up, say goodbye to rebellious locks, frizz and bad wrinkles. Having a dream mane is good. Starting with the fundamentals is better.

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